I want to be fit like Hercules

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Who wants to be fit like Hercules? Check the mechanics and join our online promo! Be sure to get your tickets to watch the movie first atwww.ticketnet.com.ph #hercules #ticketnetph

Here's the mechanics:

Answer the question on the poster and place your answer on the comment thread below and share this photo to your wall, make sure you put this description to your shared photo: "I want to be fit like Hercules and get movie tickets at www.ticketnet.com.ph" and put the hashtags #hercules #ticketnetph #gateway #alimall

Ten (10) winners will be randomly chosen to win the Hercules Fitness Set on July 31, 2014.

Get your tickets as early as now athttp://ticketnet.com.ph/Hercules-Gateway-Cineplex-10/EventDetails/210

Reference: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=598472843602796&set=a.480040135446068.1073741828.479904125459669&type=1&relevant_count=1

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